In January of 2006 one week before their wedding in California Pastors Dave and Irene Culp of Living Waters Church in California gave Aaron Trimble and Sara Dodgson their first taste of marriage counseling in life. It was eye opening and jaw dropping and so very good that they have used the Marriage on the Rock teachings by Jimmy and Karen Evens as a starting point to helping many marriages become safer and stronger and more spirit filled that ever before.

Large segments of America have fallen into chaos, and we wonder how we can–if we can, turn it around. Certainly, if America is to turn around, this turning away from chaos must begin in the Church. And Aaron and Sara lead us to a place we can begin. The Trimble’s invite us into the struggle. But the way to first incite change is for each of us to look into the story of King David–the man after God’s heart. David killed a giant, spent years eluding an enemy who wanted to kill him, became king, sinned, repented, and dealt with the aftermath of sin and his failings as a father.

My favorite part is when Aaron and Sara discuss the shortcomings of David’s upbringing and how his failure to deal with the pain of his past led to agony later in life. We, just like David, carry the wounds of our past. Those wounds affect our relationships, our desires, our thoughts and fears, and how susceptible we are to addiction and other sins. We turn America from chaos to God one person at a time. And the turning begins with each one of us. Everything in God’s book is Truth, the way God Himself designed marriage, the differences between man and woman, and how husbands and wives are supposed to treat and honor one another in public and in private. I would recommend this teaching to anyone interested in how God actually meant for marriage to look.

– A Participant’s Testimony

Are you needing a Marriage makeover made into a marriage masterpiece? Then take the TRUTH IN LOVE Challenge and go all the way with God. Aaron and Sara Trimble have a great chemistry, a wonderful story, and a romantic vision for their marriage even after 5 beautiful children and full time life and ministry. Hear about Aaron’s British invasion and Sara’s American dream as you will laugh and cry as you go thru this heartfelt teaching hand in hand with hearts bound TOGETHER! Prepare to have so much fun in these breakout sessions and gain so much marriage gold that you will be able to help so many others lacking these essential teachings.