If you don’t have the FIRE of the Holy Spirit MOVING AND OPERATING IN YOUR CAMP then what camp are you in?
– Aaron Trimble

Jeremiah 20:9 (KJV) 9 … But His Word Was In Mine Heart As A Burning Fire Shut Up In My Bones…

In the Bible, we see the word “fire” 474 times. We also see this phrase, “fire of God” that captures moments when God wants to demonstrate His power and His presence. He either shows up in the fire, initiates fires or causes fire to burn in our hearts so that we can be on fire for Him.

This Fire is the Word and the Spirit of Truth and He is come to lead and guide us into ALL Truth. All TRUTH is Jesus and He is the antidote and the answer to religion, apostasy and despair. America needs REVIVAL! The Holy Spirit is the person of conviction and the personality of power. The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Christ and the revelation of Christ reveals the Father’s Love for us All.

It is our vision at Camp Fire Nebraska to ignite in today’s youth a spiritual fire of God’s Truth and to let the Holy Spirit fill them with power to send them back home to do the impossible in the name and character of Jesus Christ.



Camp Fire Nebraska will be FILLED with Faith and Fun in the fullness of the Love of God. Join us as we grow in the presence of the Lord at this Summer Camp. Get ready for an awesome week of making memories and growing closer to God by registering your camper.

Camp Fire Nebraska will include games, sports, field trips and much more.

Campers will need to bring a sleeping bag or bedding, a pillow and a refillable water bottle for every day.

Participants will receive meals, snacks, an event T-shirt, and other items.

Campers need to register by June 30th. Limited number of spots available. NO DAY OF REGISTRATIONS will be accepted! Open to kids ages 11-18.

Date: Tuesday, July 16-19
Location: Wisner, NE
Fee: $65.00

For any Questions please contact Cheyenne at (308)995-7637 or email cheyenne@truth-university.com

Camp check-in and pick-up will be at Family Worship Center 1140 N Lincoln St, West Point, NE.

Check-in opens at 10:00AM on Tuesday the 16th and camp ends at 12:00PM on Friday the 19th.

This camp is for kids ages 11 – 18 years old.

  • Bible, pen, notebook
  • Sleeping bag/bedding
  • Pillow
  • Towels (Bath towel, beach towel, hand towel, wash cloth)
  • Pajamas
  • Nicer clothes for Services
  • Recreational clothes/shoes (will get dirty/wet)
  • Sweatshirt/jacket
  • Swimsuit (one piece swimsuit) & cover-up (t-shirt/shorts)
  • Flashlight
  • Toiletries
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug Spray
  • Refillable Water Bottle
  • Spending Money for extra activities at water park/snacks. Money for punch card for snack shop, can be purchased at check-in.
  • Plastic Bag for wet clothes/towels
  • Beach Bag to take to water park and lake.
  • White, light colored, or a shirt you don’t mind getting dirty.

Only appropriate and modest clothing is permitted. No clothing portraying indecent, suggestive, or profane writing, pictures, or slogans. No shirts that show midriff or the sides of your torso whether male or female. Ladies: Bra straps/bralettes should be covered. Leggings should be worn with tops that cover to the mid-thigh. Shorts and skirts should be mid-thigh length.  A camper/leader may be asked to change at the discretion of camp staff.

If a camper is unable to attend Camp a partial refund may be requested. All refunds must be requested at least 1 week prior to the start date of the week of camp they were attending in order to be valid. If a refund is requested less than 1 week prior to the start date of Camp, no refund is available. Valid refunds will be paid in the same form that the original payment was made. You can transfer the full amount of registration to another camper instead of requesting a refund. Please contact us to make this transfer.

Cheyenne Langenberg – cheyenne@truth-university.com