Dear Truth University Ministries Family,
As we embark on a significant journey in the month of February, we humbly seek your prayers, wisdom, and support. Our beloved Pastor Aaron Trimble will be traveling from Paris, France, to Mumbai, India, for a 12-day mission, touching lives and spreading the word of God. Following this impactful journey, he will then be returning to America to co-launch a four-day men’s leadership challenge in Fort Collins, Colorado.
This month will undoubtedly be taxing, both physically and spiritually. We earnestly request your prayers for safety, prosperity, and God’s divine guidance. May the Lord grant Pastor Aaron Trimble and the entire team rest and endurance as they navigate these travels and undertake the important work of impacting lives around the globe.
Please join us in seeking God’s provision for the journey ahead, trusting that His grace will abound. Your prayers are a vital source of strength for our ministry, and we are deeply grateful for your unwavering support.
Thank you for standing with Truth University Ministries in prayer during this significant time.
aM Radio
Currently involved in our second church plant with ministry offices and grounds located in West Point, Nebraska, Truth University has pioneered the West Point Family Worship Center and their first broadcast radio program “Walk in the Light Radio” reaching a 6 state area since 2007.
City Impact: In 2016 it launched into Midwestern cities like Omaha, Lincoln, Ne. and Sioux City, Ia. This move is estimated to reach tens of thousands with the message of God’s Grace equating into the millions of lives touched in the Midwest.
FM Statewide: In 2020 Truth University Radio debuted an FM radio campaign called Wild Cry for the BOTT RADIO NETWORK. With BOTT RADIO new tower in Ogallala Ne Truth U was able to cover the entire state 3 times per week touching 50 thousands souls every week again reaching millions in the Midwest. Aaron and Sara would now like to build and buy into 2 more stations in Nebraska in a saturation strategy to both build and stir ALL the churches in Nebraska.
In Global Missions since the early 2000’s we have supported two fronts in Missions giving the School of Christ International and Living Waters Church of Chino CA.
The School of Christ International, now functioning in many countries of the world, has proven to be one of the most effective tools for world evangelism in the history of missions. The entire focus of the School of Christ is to train and send the native to his or her own people.
The School of Christ is strictly a training and sending tool. Their purpose in every Nation is for native pastors and leaders to go out from the School of Christ to build new Pentecostal churches and to strengthen the existing churches.

missionary & Pastor Darren Downs on the Living Waters of Chino:
Living Waters supports twenty-nine missions. This includes support for missionaries, pastors in foreign lands, food for the hungry, and supply to those in need. We also have built churches, orphanages, and other special projects in the foreign field. The missions have spanned more than forty countries in the last several years. It has always been our prayer that God would put us together with people of like precious faith throughout the world. The Lord has blessed us with many such people that take what they receive and share their blessings with others. We not only support, but we are also involved in our missions, visiting them as often as we can and allowing opportunities for members to see firsthand where their giving has gone. Pastor Daren Downs has worked throughout the Americas, Asia, former USSR, and the Middle East seeing churches planted and ministries born. In his 30 plus years of missionary experience, he has worked with a vast amount of Bible believing denominations spreading the Gospel throughout the earth.
oah Middleton started in missions in 1997. His first post was the Marshall Islands in Micronesia where he lived on a small island 1 mile long and 500 yards wide. There were 18,000 people residing there and no running water or electricity. It was an excellent training ground for what was to come. From there he served with various ministries in many countries before joining OM Ships in 2001. His next decade was spent in dozens of nations where he led prison ministry, preached in the open air, and trained new recruits. In 2011, he transitioned to Southeast Asia where he began to teach at a Bible School and assist with pastor’ conferences throughout the region.
Then, in 2015 after traveling to over 100 nations, He and his wife Hannah started All For Christ International. AFC exists to challenge and equip the Church to give their all for Christ. Currently, they have a Bible School and elementary school in Pakistan. They help students plant churches, (eight so far) and purchase the freedom of families which are in slavery and help them to start a new life. They have also trained over 30 pastors in Myanmar (Burma), have planted a half dozen churches there, and are beginning another Bible College in that nation. In the USA, they host AFC University, a week of spiritual equipping and training designed to disciple Born Again Believers so that they might be more effective in the Kingdom of God and a greater asset to their Church Body. If you desire to grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord, then consider contacting them.

Vessel of Honour Ministries was birthed in the heart of Evangelist Stephen McKay years prior to receiving our 501(c)3 status as a nonprofit organization. Living deep within the jungles of Papua New Guinea at 19 years of age, he was eternally impacted by the desperate need of people all around the earth for both the Gospel of Christ, and the ethics that flow from it, producing an atmosphere where love and grace abounds.
In 2012, after seeing countless countries, he established VOHM as a nonprofit organization, and began building a team of people with the same passion and goals. Our team now stretches across the earth, from South East Asia where our orphanage operations are based, to the heart of Africa, where most of our city wide evangelistic outreaches take place.
Our heart is twofold, reaching the unreached with the Gospel, and committing ourselves to the care and nourishment of orphaned children. With this as our goal and the Gospel as our guide, we will not rest until we fulfill our portion of the great commission!
Noah Middleton started in missions in 1997. His first post was the Marshall Islands in Micronesia where he lived on a small island 1 mile long and 500 yards wide. There were 18,000 people residing there and no running water or electricity. It was an excellent training ground for what was to come.From there he served with various ministries in many countries before joining OM Ships in 2001. His next decade was spent in dozens of nations where he led prison ministry, preached in the open air, and trained new recruits. In 2011, he transitioned to Southeast Asia where he began to teach at a Bible School and assist with pastor’ conferences throughout the region.
Then, in 2015 after traveling to over 100 nations, He and his wife Hannah started All For Christ International. AFC exists to challenge and equip the Church to give their all for Christ. Currently, they have a Bible School and elementary school in Pakistan. They help students plant churches, (eight so far) and purchase the freedom of families which are in slavery and help them to start a new life. They have also trained over 30 pastors in Myanmar (Burma), have planted a half dozen churches there, and are beginning another Bible College in that nation. In the USA, they host AFC University, a week of spiritual equipping and training designed to disciple Born Again Believers so that they might be more effective in the Kingdom of God and a greater asset to their Church Body. If you desire to grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord, then consider contacting them.
For more information: www.afcintl.org
Elisabeth attended Kingdom College and studied Biblical Studies. She is also certified in Holistic Health and Wellness.
Elisabeth’s mandate from the Lord is to raise giant killers. To equip the saints for the works of the ministry. To disciple and train the young and old to be carriers of and laid-down lovers of the Word (Jesus).
She has served as a Missionary Children’s Pastor with Gather1 since 2019. She has served Gather1 in Greece, Romania, Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Sudan. She has since been asked to help oversee the start of a new Children’s Center in South Sudan. Like the Children’s Center her and her fiancé have served at in Ethiopia, the purpose of this program will be to provide ongoing support for up to 200 children in the future. The support will be provided to children falling in the category of critical needs (As defined by those who are without family support, not being properly cared for in lack of food, shelter, clothing, medical attention, and/or abused by relatives) until the graduation of the program or until they have finished their schooling.
Elisabeth is serving Gather1 as a Children’s Pastor, with administration, overseeing the Gather1 Sponsorship Program, writing program proposals, and discipling women and youth.