** TU Course Title: God’s Divine Order vs. Human Organization** 

**Lesson Title: Organized or Order: Which One is Right?** 

### **Introduction** 

**Objective:** To understand the difference between human organization and God’s divine order as presented in Scripture and to identify how these principles apply to church leadership and ministry. 

### **Key Scripture References** 

1. **1 Corinthians 14:40** – “Let all things be done decently and in order.” 

2. **Genesis 2:18-22** – The creation of Adam and Eve demonstrates God’s divine order in relationships. 

3. **1 Timothy 3:1-13** – The qualifications for church leadership emphasize divine order and submission. 

4. **Ephesians 4:11-12** – The roles of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers reflect God’s structure for His church. 

5. **1 Corinthians 11:3** – “But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” 

**Lesson Outline** 

**1. God’s Nature: A God of Order, Not Mere Organization** 

– **Definition:** Organization refers to human attempts to structure, plan, and control. Order reflects God’s sovereign design and flow. 

– **Scriptural Basis:** 

  – **Genesis 1:1-31** – Creation itself shows divine order. 

  – **Psalm 37:23** – “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.” 

– **Key Point:** God works through willing vessels, not human-made systems or committees. 

**2. God’s Method of Working Through Leadership** 

– **Examples in Scripture:** 

  – **David, Paul, Peter, and the Apostles:** Men called to lead under God’s authority. 

  – **Genesis 2:7, 21-22:** Adam and Eve were created with distinct roles, showing divine order in relationships. 

– **Application:** 

  – God appoints leaders to guide His people (Ephesians 4:11). 

  – Leadership flows from submission to Christ, not human constructs. 

**3. Distinction Between Organization and Order** 

– **Organization:** Often driven by human control, perfectionism, and fear. 

  – **Example:** Committees and programs can stifle spiritual growth if disconnected from divine guidance. 

– **Order:** Rooted in God’s authority and anointing. 

  – **1 Timothy 3:5:** “If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?” 

– **Key Point:** Authority and anointing are inseparable; one cannot substitute human organization for divine order. 

**4. The Role of Women in God’s Order** 

– **Biblical Role:** Women are relational, detail-oriented, and gifted for support roles within divine order (Proverbs 31:10-31). 

– **Leadership Insights:** 

  – Women can teach, prophesy, and lead in submission to God’s order. 

  – **1 Corinthians 14:34-35:** Encourages women to respect divine authority within the church. 

– **Warning:** Avoid elevating organizational gifts above submission to divine order. 

5. The Dangers of Misplaced Authority** 

– **Characteristics of Misaligned Leadership:** 

  – Manipulation, control, and resistance to correction. 

  – **Example:** Jezebel’s spirit (1 Kings 19). 

– **The Need for Correction:** 

  – **Proverbs 27:6:** “Faithful are the wounds of a friend.” 

  – **Hebrews 12:6:** “The Lord disciplines the one He loves.” 

**Practical Application** 

1. **Recognizing Divine Order in the Church:** 

  – Identify leaders who exhibit faithfulness, humility, and submission to God. 

  – Dismiss those who create division through manipulation or self-interest. 

2. **Mentorship and Discipleship:** 

  – Encourage a teachable spirit in leadership candidates. 

  – Emphasize the importance of spiritual maturity over organizational skills. 

3. **Promoting Godly Leadership:** 

  – Evaluate leaders based on biblical qualifications (1 Timothy 3:1-13). 

  – Ensure all leaders operate under God’s authority and anointing. 


1. **God’s Order vs. Human Organization:** 

  – Organization without divine order leads to dead religion. 

  – Revival flows from submission to God’s Spirit, not human control. 

2. **Submission is the Key:** 

  – True leadership stems from humility and obedience to God’s Word. 

3. **A Biblical Worldview:** 

  – Upholding God’s design for leadership ensures a healthy, thriving church. 

### **Discussion Questions** 

1. How does God’s order differ from human organization in practice? 

2. Why is submission to authority critical in church leadership? 

3. What steps can we take to ensure that our ministries align with God’s divine order? 

### **Closing Prayer** 

Father, help us to align our hearts and ministries with Your divine order. Teach us to walk in humility, submission, and obedience to Your Word. May we be vessels of Your Spirit, advancing Your Kingdom according to Your will. Amen.