In August, 2007, “Walk in the Light” radio made its debut, Sunday presentation. It aired at 9:30am on AM 840 KTIC radio, where it continues to be broadcast to this day.

In addition, it now airs at 2:30pm on Tuesdays and Fridays on AM 660 KRCO, Omaha’s longstanding, Christian radio.

In January of 2017, “Walk in the Light” radio premiered in major, new markets such as Omaha, Lincoln and Sioux City. These new areas, with greater listening populations, as well as with their surrounding communities are being served. The name of Jesus Christ is being heralded everywhere, to The Lord’s greater glory.

Over the first month of 2017, with its expansion, is now reaching, in excess of 100,000 listeners weekly. In this first month, we have been offered additional venues. The General Manager of another major broadcasting group, hosting thirty Christian “Preaching and Teaching talk radio stations, located throughout the United States has made this proposal, “We are very interested in broadcasting “Walk in the Light” on our local radio station. We feel that the program would be well received by our listening audience.

It is amazing what God can do through radio! We have seen the growth; we believe this growth is a blessing from God.

KTIC- Listen to the station that first gave us our start on radio. Tune in to AM 840 Sunday’s at 9:30am and catch WALK IN THE LIGHT RADIO.

660 THE WORD- Since January of 2017 WALK IN THE LIGHT RADIO has debuted in the Omaha, Lincoln and Sioux City markets. Reaching 20,000 people per program God is touching millions in the Midwest. Tune in Tuesday’s and Friday’s at 2:30pm and Saturday’s at 4:30pm! Download the 660 THE WORD App and listen on your phone.

100.7 The Fish- Is the FM sister station of 660 The Word. Listen to the 60 sec WALK IN THE LIGHT vignette heard Tuesday’s and Friday’s at 2:20pm on The Fish. Download the FISH OMAHA App and listen on your phone.

We ask you to listen so that others can Hear!

Walk in the Light Radio needs your prayers and support to get the preaching ministry of Family Worship Center into the hearts of Mid-America. We are in preparation, now testing the local FM market as well as Christian Radio and web possibilities. Radio has been a proven way to reach families for years in this country and especially agricultural families. WE are believing this is a way to reach many in the small towns of Nebraska and other states through AM farm radio.

WE also believe that folks hearing this distinct Voice will cause them to seek it out. Currently, we hear from listeners in places like West Point, Omaha, Bellevue, Battle Creek, Wakefield, Wayne, Pender, Beemer, Wisner, Bancroft, Walthill, Lyons, Hooper, North Bend, and Vermillion, SD. A number of different locations in Iowa have told us that they listen, but our saturation is here within the 4 counties surrounding area. People right here in town that have never been to church have given and asked us to never stop preaching the uncompromised gospel. There is such a need.


A few years ago, I worked part-time as a substitute teacher in Wisner and West Point public schools. I was amazed to hear that my reputation had proceeded me through Radio. High school students said you are the guy on the Radio. Young grade school kids all across classrooms from different denominational backgrounds told me that their Grandpa’s listened to ‘Walk in the Light’ every week. My neighbors listen, and at times in past the years, Lutheran friends of ours have told us that the whole town will be listening to your message this Sunday to see what you will say! Praise the Lord!

Messages from Walk in the Light have been requested and played for church boards and councils in defense of the Gospel and as a challenge to the status quo everywhere.

My wife and I have gone out for dinner in the area and have been kindly asked if we are on the ‘Walk in the Light’ program as Sara’s British voice gets the most attention.

A gentleman visiting from Vermillion, South Dakota stood in our church last Sunday and plans on driving 85 miles one way to Wednesday Night Life our mid-week service this week. He said that he knows of one other church like ours in Minnesota. See the remnant is out there! We are praying about Vermillion and what God would have us to do there in 2016. Please pray with us that Vermillion is only the start of what God wants us to do. It is amazing what God can do through Radio! We have seen it and we believe.

The Challenge

With today’s 50% unchurched rate the time is now!  What we need is a host of others to believe with us. Together we could reach 1.3 million listeners with the same Truth preached here at the Family Worship Center. Would you please consider partnering with us today?

The Miracle of How the Broadcast Ministry Began…

When we first started on Radio in 2007 I was making $600 a month working on my Father’s farm cow-calving 100 head of pairs and reading the bible daily. God had put it in my heart by inspiration to “try radio” in an effort to witness to people in my area. I felt we needed a platform but I knew nothing about HOW to do it. I went into the station for a radio interview when a position they had as an advertising executive was advertised locally. After the interview, I asked the manager if they had any open time slots on a Sunday morning to preach the Gospel. She walked into the other room and came back and said that “as a matter of fact, you’re not going to believe this but a customer that had held that time slot for 15 years had just canceled the week before. So it is open, NOW if you want it.” I said, “I’ll take it!” 600 dollars a month was my net worth. So, I literally bet the farm on the gospel and now it’s touching the lives of hundreds, if not thousands in the area. But the potential of reaching Nebraska alone would be millions.

Sara Trimble is the editor and producer and with the musical selections she places into each program and her voice facilitating ‘Walk in the Light’ is unique in many ways. When compared to the biblical teaching ministries featured on mainstream Christian Radio the ‘Walk in the Light’ Radio program is different. It has been described as a Voice Crying in the Wilderness, it has it’s very own broken, heart’s CRY within it, OR you could say it is anointed! And truth anointed changes the world, it always has.

Please pray that this Radio Ministry will fulfill God’s purposes and be a blessing in the lives of so many, and pray for Sara Trimble who has given every Friday and Saturday of her life since August of 2007 to touching thousands in the Heartland of America. It’s said in radio if one person writes or calls in they represent another 100 that haven’t. Let us continue to sow into the fields of Nebraska until the harvest is finally reached. It will be worth it all! But we cannot do it alone. You must send it!!!

Let’s believe God to reach the entire state of Nebraska. Pray about giving your offering to buy airtime across this great state.