An interdenominational church. We welcome people from all denominations. A multi-cultural church, a church where all people are welcome, a Full Gospel Church, a church where the spirit and the word live and move.

A church which offers a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, beginning with salvation and moving to a fullness of life, which can only come through the Spirit of God in a surrendered life.

  • The Pastor is from Cuming County, a farm kid who has lived here his entire life. “We know, work and live here and feel called to this area. Consistency is far better than a new pastor every other year. “I’m a little bit city and a little bit country.”
  • We preach the message of Jesus Christ and Him crucified and raised from the dead.
  • We preach the wonderful message of God’s grace and love for us all.
  • We preach the baptism of the Holy Spirit for all who believe.
  • We preach sanctification in the spirit or growing in God by faith.
  • We understand the revelation of the church fellowship and want to see it flourish in our day and time.
  • We teach biblical discipleship; everyone should be discipled and then become a disciple.
  • We preach anointed messages proving Christ is alive and endorsing every message. He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit is saying to His church.
  • FWC Is Evangelistic—This Church loves to outreach, this church loves the truth, and isn’t afraid of the jail, Main Street, county fair, campus, or door-to-door or radio… we must reach people! We outreach and give to missions.
  • We outreach to jail ministry.
  • We outreach to seniors ministry.
  • We outreach to Wayne State Campus, high school assemblies, county fairs and regional festivals.
  • Walk in the Light Radio evangelism touches the state!
  • Walk in the Light Radio touches 70 thousand listeners a week.
  • Radio is currently reaching 6 states with opportunities to go into many more.
  • The Voice- Sara Trimble brings her native British voice to the Walk in the Light Radio program and her various speaking engagements, local women’s bible studies, Apples of Gold and Women’s Conferences adding another element to the culture of the Midwest!
  • Sara adds voice over transitions and edits all the radio, dvd’s and videos since 2007. This is a massive undertaking reaching… millions each year!
  • The Nebraska Christian Women’s Conference is the largest women’s conference in the area.
  • Sara been the keynote speaker twice for the Nebraska Christian Women’s Conference.
  • Sara’s Women of the Word bible studies reach northeast Nebraska villages and towns.
  • Christian Cross Festival: Pastor Aaron was asked to speak to large outdoor crowd in north east Nebraska in 2016, 2017, we have been asked to work the prayer tent annually.
  • FWC Evangelists, Pastors and Missionaries- FWC is part of the greatest preacher’s network in the USA and around the world! Here we invite anointed Pastor/Evangelists to come and preach the gospel in West Point, Nebraska. No One Else Does That! Anointed preaching saved Aaron and Sara’s lives and so they are dedicated to bring to the Midwest the greatest preaching, presence, anointing’s, revivals, worship and fivefold ministry gifts to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Evangelist and Revivalists save and stir the world and the church… they are the gift to the churches and we must never stop bringing, sending and going… we are the church!
  • FWC has brought in Nebraska’s best evangelists- Ron Brown and Keith Becker
  • Pastor Aaron has preached with some of America’s biggest evangelists- Clayton Jennings “God has opened up many doors through the Christian community. Praise the lord people come up everywhere and introduce themselves already knowing us from print, platform or radio.”
  • TU Radio is impacting Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux City. Truth U Radio is a part of the Omaha bible radio network. We have been called the voice crying in the wilderness (Great Plains).
  • Pastor Aaron is currently a part of a pastors gathering in Omaha where he speaks for the rural pastors.
  • In the last year Pastor Aaron has been blessed to speak at Men’s Retreats and Men’s Prayer Breakfast’s in Wisconsin and Louisiana stirring and uplifting pastors and Men in the body of Christ.
  • Availability Of The Pastor is a gift to you: So far for the first 11 years Pastor has been found preaching; Sunday, Monday night, Tuesday morning, Wednesday night, sometimes Thursday night, Saturday, Sunday from the pulpit or in groups. Meanwhile by Radio we have been active; Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from the radio.
  • Pastor Aaron is right now launching a social media campaign called Truth University to reach the world in a greater way!
  • FWC loves hospitality; 52 weeks a year we have and host more people than anyone. Almost every week the Pastors Ranch is open. There is always counseling, fellowship, youth group, women’s bible study, Apples of Gold etc. “We want to be accessible to are body to help and pray for them.”
  • “The preaching his prophetic, anointed and timely…confirming itself again and again.”- listener
  • The reach has moved from tens of thousands per year to millions by radio in Omaha, Lincoln and Sioux City, Iowa and the open doors are endless.
  • Preaching style is unique to Nebraska and the north; strong, animated, not-boring, great use of multi-media content, relevant and direct. “It has been described as, “A Truth University or waves of truth in an ocean of grace hitting one after another upon your heart.”- listener
  • “Pastor preaches with a brokenness that makes him weep and cry when he preaches.”- listener
  • This preaching literally raises up people called into ministry and equips them and sends them!“We have had more people from this little church feel the call to full-time ministry than any church I’ve ever been a part of….whether big or little. That tells me the message is radical and transformation occurs when hearing. You can’t sit still and you can’t sit on the fence…it will drive you towards heaven!”-Aaron Trimble
  • It is a gospel driven, Holy Ghost-filled, get ready for heaven, type of gospel.- Aaron Trimble
  • We preach victory because we know victory! We preach grace because we’ve known defeat. We preach mercy that is greater than justice. Thank God. -Aaron Trimble
  • “One of 5 great church plant ministries in Nebraska.”- Ron Brown NU Coach.
  • Miracles: God gave us a miracle building in the heart of our community to be witness to that community! Lit the sign up on Oct. 31… “They that sat in darkness have seen a great light.”
  • FWC is a miracle, a sign, and a wonder to behold in 11 short years.
  • FWC believes God still heals; there have been many medical documented healings in this church; people delivered from cancer, Pastor’s daughter Kinsley was healed in her esophagus, Joe’s spleen, Mark’s cancer …we believe prayer changes things!
  • God brought us to Cuming county Nebraska… some say a dead-end spiritually… BUT God opened up a MIRACLE WORK that touches; the people, the community, the high schools, men, women, college, youth, kids, seniors, jail, festivals in the Midwest!!! Do you think God is done??